A.F.D. Rat Pack

Addison Fire Department Retirees happenings

Saturday, January 19, 2013

          Retired A.F.D. Rat Pack Club                                 Annual report 2012
The A.F.D. Rat Pack club is composed of 53 retired members of the Addison Fire Department. Our mission is to get together and remember all the good times and memories of our time on one of the best Fire departments there is.

We started the year with a meeting on  April 4, 2012 and had a very weak turn out, 4 AFD guys and 1 mutual aid from Elmhurst .

On May 8th, we had a lot better turn out with 12 retirees at Aurelios Restaurant.

May 29, the passing of the Fire Department Trustee president Anthony LaRocco, he served on the Fire district for more that 22 years

June 9th we had a surprise birthday party for Chuck Schlicher on the pretence of having a Retirees luncheon. Oh, the stories that we told to surprise him. 

On August 13th an old AFD member, Rick Mikel was promoted to  Chief of Elk Grove Fire Department

August 17th, meeting  at Sunmist Restaurant we had a good  turn out with about 16 old and gray or bald Fire Fighters showing up

August 26th, the final bell rang for John Dony a 20 year volunteer and one of my mentors

September 3rd, passing of another of the old volunteer guard  Allen Krage

September 20th, at Addison Fire house number one, we dedicated a plaque for Station 3 for Tony LaRocca,  the new Pierce Quint  and 30 year awards for FF Blake Deible and James Skula . One of the Fore Fathers of the Department ( Dick Schumacher ) came all the way from Wyoming for this meeting.

Blake Deible retired and had a big retirement party.

December 6th at Casey's  Restraint we had 34  people with retirees and their loved ones to wish everyone a Merry Christmas


 The department had a Christmas party for the active and retired members of the department and their families. With a Santa, a luncheon, and a jumpy thing for the kids. The kids will remember this when there are in their 40's I know, mine do.

Dec  28th at Summist Restaurant, 12 guys were there, even 1 from Urbana Il. for a spur of the moment meeting and just a little kidding around.



Its is the want, the brotherhood, the knowledge, the training and the equipment to help your fellow man, that makes this job so great!
Lieutenant Thomas Gnadt,  Addison Fire Department, Retired

Monday, December 26, 2011

AFD Rat PACK Xmas 2011

( AFD Rat PACK Xmas 2011 ) click on red letters for pictures of the
Christmas party
Going through some boxes yesterday, I came upon this story that I wrote for Volunteer Firefighter Magazine, probably in 1962-63 when I was still in high school. If I remember correctly, the house was in the vicinity of Stonemill and Tara.
At the time, the Village department was wearing a goofy looking Cairns drop brim helmet and the Rural was wearing MSA helmets. Somehow, Howie was issued or bought one of the first leather helmets, and as can be seen in the photo on the first page, there was a mix of styles as the leathers were being phased in.
In that photo, which I've sent as a separate file, Charlie Jenkins is at the lower left, and Emil (Slim) Brinkman is at the right side of the tank. Howie is standing in front of the tanker along with Ed Feeny who used to deliver fuel oil in town. The guy at the rear of the tanker in the white shirt is the Rural chief, but his name slips my mind.
Stay safe,
Dave ( FORNELL )